Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Results from the one year anniversary of the clinical trial in which I have participated are very encouraging! There has been very little progression of the fibrosis in the lungs! It is not necessary for me to haul around a portable oxygen tank in order to carry on ormal activities and I can do pretty much everything I need to. The breathing capacity tests are the same and my over-all physical condition is good.

Dr. Scholand, my excellent pulmonologists, say this is cause for celebration! This is timely as Chris and I left soon after for our St. George/Palm Springs hiatus. While in St. George we were blessed with a new grandson, Tanner Clark Osborn, who was born during the Super Bowl. Best half-time program for us ever!!

We were joined in Palm Springs with our good friends and family, TC and Gail Conlin, who we have enjoyed being with. Long walks, pool-side conversations, and incredibly scenic rounds of golf on the Marriott Desert Springs Palm Course; couldn't have asked for better weather.

I have been able to mix in some business with pleasure here so things are working out.

Look forward to seeing you all soon. Spring is just around the corner.
