Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Good news from the broncoscopy!

Carter and I just got to watch the broncoscopy and Dr. Raman said things look ok. They were looking to see if the sutures were leaking air into his chest cavity, but they looked good which is great news - no new surgery. They think it's air that's being generated in his bad lung from the bpap oxygen he's had to have and that loose air floating around is putting pressure on his lungs and not allowing him to breath fully.

There's also a lot of gunk in his new lung that he doesn't have the reflex to cough up yet because those nerves aren't connected. They'll continue his respiratory vest treatments that basically shake his lungs and then keep encouraging him to cough. Having the chest tube back in has helped release a lot of the air, but it also is a pain for him to have it in since it's uncomfortable and makes it harder to breathe deeply. He's going down for a CT scan in a few minutes which will let them see if any air pockets remain.

All I know is that he's in great hands up here and that they're doing everything possible to give this new lung a fighting chance. He'll obviously be here for a few more days, so we'll keep everyone posted.

Not so fast ...

This morning when Carter and I were here visiting Dad he was doing great - he only had his nasal canula set at 1litre, he had eaten a decent breakfast, chest tube and catheter were finally out, etc. but we were a little shocked when the doctor said be might be going home tomorrow - we had no idea it could be that soon, which had us worried about all of the logistics that go along with taking care of him at home.

I stopped by tonight around 6pm thinking I'd be here maybe 20 minutes and when I walked in, Dad had just called the nurse because he had been starting to struggle with his breathing, getting cold and clammy, heart rate rising. Within about 10 minutes the doctors had determined that his new lung had collapsed and had me leave the room do they could re-insert the chest tube and do a broncoscopy to see what's going on. Please pray for him .... again!