Friday, July 27, 2012

Home Sweet Hospital

So just when we started bragging about how great Dad is doing (goes to the gym daily) and how awesome it was that he hasn't had to be re-admitted to the hospital since coming home in early Feb., here we are. Dad came in yesterday for a regularly scheduled broncoscopy and biopsy but his docs weren't able to finish when they noticed his o2 sats kept dipping during the procedure. Long story short, some ultrasounds revealed a blood clot in his calf - part of which had traveled up to his new lung. The good news is that they caught it in time and now have him on meds that will dissolve them and hopefully prevent anymore from appearing. The bad news is that he'll be in the hospital probably til Sunday morning, along with now having to add some injectible meds to his daily pile of meds as well as more frequent visits to the clinic for blood draws.

Needless to say, it's reminded all of us of how fragile his condition still is, despite his positive attitude along with the "oh, I'm fine's" and contagious smile. We'll keep you all posted and continue to be humbled and grateful for your many prayers and financial contributions that have kept him here with us a little longer.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Six Months Out

It has been a little over six months from the Christmas Eve lung transplant.  I definitely consider myself a very lucky man as I am still alive and able to enjoy, among other things, a wonderful 4th of July family reunion with our extended family this week at Draper Park.  They are simply amazing!  What a treat to get together with them all and see their families growing so beautifully.  Not only that, my daughter Jani married Brock Belliston on memorial day weekend in St. George which I was able to attend and participate in the wedding. Priceless!!!  Grand kids are the best.  Without the transplant, I would not have been here.  Yes, I am a lucky man.

I wasn't able to golf with them at Wasatch State Park on the 4th, which is our tradition, or hike, or a few other things, but I am a patient son of gun and know it will come soon.

As to my condition at this point, I tire easily and my breathing is somewhat irregular.  My weight is still possible to pass as a prisoner of war model, BUT - I am breathing on my own and every month I see progress.  I asked my Dr. last week to tell me straight of I was on target at this post operative stage and she said definitely and that she was pleased.  I'll take that.  I undergo another bronkoscopy end of the month to check for any rejection from the lung, but I think it likes me.

Life is good and it all comes down to faith, family, and friends.  Thank you all for being there.  You are all the best!!!

Dwight Osborn (Ozzie)