Monday, January 30, 2012


Dads still doing well and things look like they're on track for him being able to go home this weekend. His chest tube is still in but it's completely clamped off and sealed shut. Hopefully they'll be removing it completely within the next day or so.

Many if you have asked about how the other lung recipient Diane is doing. I was able to visit with her yesterday for a few minutes and she seemed like she's doing well. She had just come back from taking a shower and was so happy to hear my dad was improving. It's crazy to me to think that they still haven't had the chance to meet yet. Hopefully that will happen this week if we're lucky.

Apparently this blog is being read by more than just a few people :) My dad told me that last night that some friends in his neighborhood, the Crows (I cant remember their first names!) brought by a whole plate of ChuckORama scones for my dad after hearing about his craving. Then, when I stopped by to see my dad at lunch today, he was visiting with some old friends Bob Whitney, Don Mauss and Duane Moss.  Ironically enough, both Don and Duane recently lost their fathers to the same disease my dad has - pulmonary fibrosis.  I don't remember Duane's exact title, but he's one of, if not THE head honcho at ChuckORama. My dad had not met Duane before, but when he heard about my dad's situation (probably from my sweet friend Kassidy Spiers - thank you!) he wanted to help.  When they heard about my dads craving for their scones and honey butter and brought him a whole platter of them, along with some other food and swag and some gift certificates. We're so grateful to all of them for being so thoughtful. We'll be taking Dad to ChuckORama for sure as soon as he gets the thumbs up from his doctors.

Geez, first Coach Whittingham and now ChuckORama? I'm half tempted to write a post about how much my dad would just LOVE to meet Bono, but I'm pretty sure you'd all see right through that one, wouldn't you? ;)