Friday, December 23, 2016

5 Year Post Transplant

5 years ago today, right about now, 3:20pm, I received a very special phone call from the University of Utah Lung Transplant Clinic stating that they have a possible lung which might be available for me and could I get there as soon as possible. Are you kidding? I said YES and the rest is history. 5 years have gone by with no rejection of the lung I received and so many precious memories and fun experiences I have been given.
One of the drawbacks of a lung transplant is the medications required to keep the lung from rejecting a new body. They also lower the bodies normal ability to fight diseases. I have been very fortunate until this summer, a skin cancer invaded a gland below my left ear (parodit gland) necessitating surgery and some resultant nerve damage.
The cancerous tumor was removed and I am now undergoing radiation therapy for 6 weeks. The good news is a transplanted nerve may "come alive" during the year which will restore much of the numbness on the left side of the face and they also can do some plastic surgery - just have to be patient.  All in all, I am enjoying life with no pain and look forward to a wonderful 2017.
I have the most amazing kids, grand kids, extended family, friends and Doctors anyone could possibly ask for. Thank you all - Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!