So the latest from the doctors is that if, IF everything continues to go well that Dad will be heading home this Sunday in time to watch the Super Bowl! Although his daily X-rays continue to show a small amount of fluid or air around his lung which is what is still causing him to still be short of breath, the doctors say that as long as they see it get smaller and not bigger, then it will most likely be absorbed by the body on its own. The doctors have asked to meet with our family Sunday morning to go over the long list of medications and care that he'll need in the coming weeks and months.
He's so excited and we all are too, and at the same time we're all a bit nervous about caring for him at home. He'll need to be driven to appointments 3x/week to University Hospital for the next month or so, and maybe more for the administration of an IV medication that he'll need daily for the next five weeks. Any volunteers from his neighborhood and ward to help drive him to and from these appointments would be so helpful. We also may need to have some of you family and close friends volunteer to come by during the day and also some of you to spend the night in their guest room - just so we know there's someone else there to help in an emergency so my mom doesn't feel so overwhelmed. His diet and nutrition will also continue to be important in the success of his recovery, so all of you good cooks out there, now's your chance to shine! We'll post a list soon of the foods and snacks that sound good to him and are helpful to his recovery.
We'll keep everyone posted on how he does over the next day or so. Today marks his six week anniversary of living in this hospital 24/7. If this actually does happen and he ACTUALLY gets to finally leave the hospital ......I think we may need to hire a marching band or a fireworks show or something.
Seriously, knock on wood ....... please!
This blog is dedicated to the biggest Ute fan and the best guy in the world - Dwight Osborn. He was diagnosed in July 2009 with Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis, a deadly lung disease with no known cure or treatment that kills as many people every year as Breast Cancer. He was put on the transplant list at the U (go Utes!) on November 29, 2011. We received the call on Friday, December 23rd around 7pm and Dad received the greatest gift ever on Christmas Eve. It really is a wonderful life!