Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tomorrow will be a better day :)

From Bryan:
Dad is doing well, still couldn't get him off the ventilator yet today but he is making progress. We will try again tomorrow to get the tubes out and have him breathing on his own. His mind seems very clear and he is pretty much off of the majority of the meds from surgery. Since he is unable to speak with the tubes down his throat he has to write everything down. As I was about to leave tonight he made sure he wrote down "Everything will be fine, tomorrow will be a better day". Then he stopped me and wrote "Please make sure you put the Jazz game on my TV before you leave". Now THAT let me know that everything is fine.

Not quite there yet

From Bryan: Just spoke to Dr. Cahill, he wasn't ready to come off the vent very well. They are putting him back on and will try again tomorrow. He can write very well and communicate fine. He is finally asleep so I think it will be best if we let him get some rest for awhile.

Trying to pull the tube

From Bryan: Dad looks good, was not able to sleep much last night. He is off all blood pressure meds for the most part and pain meds are minimal. His vent is off right now and he is somewhat struggling but if he calms down they may pull tube in 20 min. They asked me to leave for 30 min so he can relax. Say your prayers, crucial 30 minutes coming up.