Like any good, red-blooded Ute fan, Carter made sure he and Dad made it to the Huntsman Center tonight to honor the memory of Coach Rick Majerus. If Bryan and I weren't living 300 miles away we'd be right there with them enjoying our beloved Cracker Jacks and Red Vines with Dad in the familiar comfort of the Huntsman Center. We've all enjoyed countless basketball games with Dad over the years and feel so blessed that he's still here with us today almost one year after his transplant surgery.
He's been slowly improving over the past few months from his heart surgery and we'll hopefully continue to see the swelling go down in his lower body. He still tires easily, but is as determined as ever to building up his strength to be able to do some of the things he loves to do.
Pictures like this one are priceless to our family now. Lets hope we'll see many more "Ute" family pictures in the years to come. Thanks for the memories and may you rest in peace Coach Majerus. GO UTES!!